MARCH 1-3, 2009
New York presso il Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
stand 2357a ELEMENTUM C/O EXIM
SIAL in Paris
Each trade fair is a special place for meeting and exchange; moreover, it is an important chance for knowledge and promotion of different products and cultures.
The participation of “Elementum” at the SIAL in Paris has marked the beginning of a venture aimed at publicizing the high quality of typical products of the “Iblei”; “Iblei” is the southern-east part of Sicily in the “Val di Noto”, appointed by UNESCO as heritage of humanity. In this area people still keep up a deep respect for tradition in the processes of transformation and preservation of all products that nature gives us. Pure air, clean sea, rich soil and hot sun, ancient cultural traditions and Baroque art work together to make all the soil products plentiful and luxuriant.
The imperative that guided us in the meticulous selection of the products we have presented in Paris is the desire to recover the memory of our traditions; memory that is not only recovered through history, documents and monuments, but also with gastronomy, a monument in its turn and an admirable synthesis of the of the different cultures that on the island followed one another. All these cultures give us precious and refined tracks in the wise development and alchemical conservation of dishes and recipes, made with ingredients of absolute quality and genuineness.
Michele Assenza
® elementum s.r.l. a socio unico - C.da Petraro SC 40 Km 3,500 - 97014 - ISPICA - RG - I - P.IVA 01388400887 Tel. e Fax +39 0932 779223